Architecting Future-Proof Enterprises with a Connected Enterprise Architecture
Join us and get inspired to learn the latest trends, best practices, and challenges regarding enterprise architecture. Hear from leading industry leaders and your peers about how the role of the enterprise architect is evolving to meet the moment and support business transformation.
Luca de Risi, Chief Operating Officer from MEGA, will open the conference with a keynote on Next-Gen EA, before giving the floor to EA analysts, MEGA experts, as well as customers and partners who will come to share their feedback.
Keynote: Moving to Next-Gen Enterprise Architecture (15′)
The modern EA Enterprise Architect needs to provide insights and share recommendations on how to build a future-proof enterprise. In this session, learn how to build a business case for connected EA to accelerate EA efforts and gain real agility and resilience.
The State of Enterprise Architecture in 2021 and Beyond (20’)
Forrester / MEGA share views on how current business priorities have succeeded in the role of the prime enterprise architect and how the latter must evolve.
Accelerating Business Value with Automation and Artificial Intelligence (20’)
Understand how automation and artificial intelligence can help create value and optimize enterprise architecture initiatives.
Roundtable: Supporting Business Transformation with Enterprise Architecture (40’)
Experts and clients will discuss the evolution of enterprise architecture and the challenges for enterprise architects to bring real value to the business.
Unlock the Full Transformative Potential of Data by Connecting Data Governance and Enterprise Architecture (20’)
Discover how data governance empowers organizations to better control the flow of data across systems, applications, and processes.
Roundtable: How Business Process Management and Process Mining can Support Business Transformation (30’)
A panel of experts will demonstrate the potential of process mining and how it supports transformation projects such as ERP deployment.
Architecting the Resilient Enterprise with Integrated Risk Management (20’)
Learn how enterprise architects can help organizations become more resilient by leveraging enterprise architecture with integrated risk management.
To register and learn more about the speakers, click here
We are looking forward to your attendance!
Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 02. Dezember 2021 15:00 – 18:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
MEGA International
Gontardstraße 11
10178 Berlin
Telefon: 030 408 17 25 42
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